Friday, June 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tv Stand Done! (Almost)

With only a couple of trim pieces left to do and a center channel speaker shelf in the box, my tv stand is pretty much done. I am pretty happy with my work, especially considering the design was all made up in my head. There's a couple of things I would do different next time but it looks great with the new paint color Kathleen picked out for our basement "redesign". The color is called Honey Beige and it really has brightened up our basement. We need a few pictures on the wall though since it looks pretty bare. I am exhausted from painting this weekend and to top it off, the whole family has a cold. But glad for all of God's blessings in our life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Almost Done

I'm almost done building our corner tv stand. All i have left to do is a few pieces of trim work (most notably at the top where it isnt stained). Maybe 4 more hours and it'll be complete. I'm pretty happy with the design that I made up in my head but frustrated at the color that has turned out on the wood. I picked a stain that appeared dark brown on the can but has turned out with a reddish tinge. I finally realized that because I'm using red oak, the redness is showing up in the color. That's all Home Depot carries so I'm stuck with it. I'll feel better once I get my built in speakers in and tv on the stand and all the trimwork completed. Now we just have to find a paint color for the walls that will compliment the woodwork and our furniture...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Cabinet Pictures

I've cut two solid oak pieces for the top and 1/4 oak plywood for the front. I've also started working on the box which will hold all the equipment

First Oak Cabinet Picture

So far I've built the base of our corner oak tv stand. I'm debating whether to add built in speakers into the two squares on the left and right.

Home Today

I'm home today with Braden. He was up much of the night with a high fever and labored breathing. Ibuprofen and Albuterol helps him immensely. Hopefully he'll feel better soon.

If you are a fan of the NFL, watch this story from 60 minutes about the place that produces the highest percentage of NFL players for its population size...
Football Island

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Braden Sick

Braden has come down with a fever tonight and is pretty congested. He seems to be breathing fast so that always worries us. He hasn't had any issues with his breathing for over a year even though he has experienced numerous colds. Hopefully he'll feel better in the next day or two, but in the meantime please say a prayer for him.
Kathleen wants me to build a corner oak cabinet for our tv. I built the frame this weekend but am at a standstill, partly because I am tired and my back hurts and partly because I am not sure how to proceed without some more equipment. I'll post some pictures as I go along so the world can see just how bad a woodworker I really am!
Looks like we'll be heading up to Wisconsin in Feb to see Kathleen's parents. Hopefully they'll still be snow on the ground so the kids can sled!